Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shop till you drop... or not!

So today Marc and I decided to check out this AMAZING outlet store which had a 70% discount sale... quite excited about the prospect we hurried over.

WOW... the advert was huge in the papers - quite the opposite of the shop! It must have been 3sq metres IF that! We opened the door, took two steps... moved our necks and that was that - most uneventful indeed.

So we headed over to catch a movie: Rajattu Maa (Crossing Over - Harrison Ford and Ashley Judd) it was too much of a "Crash" wanna-be film - entertaining enough though!

Then we strolled around new areas of town we hadn't yet frequented. Found a great shoe shop - and had to contain my laughter when I saw these


Quick story:
Yesterday I became a blonde again (after a year of being a red head and a brunette). Just in the nick of time too, as today I had a seriously blonde moment...

I was in an outdoor store looking at all the latest camping gadgets and stuff; when I came across this baby's stroller - a serious 4x4 stroller. I was quite impressed so pushed it a little, checked out the tyres, inspected the trimmings looked inside it, then went to call Marc over... only to return to find a frantic mother pushing her 4x4 stroller towards her husband and baby. Turns out this shop doesn't sell strollers after all!

Headed back home with some Indian Takeaway and Series 4 of The West Wing.

Snuggling in now for a great evening ahead...

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