the rain has gone! Turns out BBC - not so dodgy after all. What a bright, sun shining day.
Unfortunately I was on the phone for the majority of it, cancelling redirections, setting up landlines, broadband, water, gas, elec.... the list goes on and on. I had totally forgotten how much was involved in the UK. Belgium and Finland were so easy to set up and pack up in comparison.
But alas, all was not lost. Called a good friend of mine, Svilena, to say "Hi" and as it turned out both of us were free, so we met at Bar Estilo in Richmond for dinner. What an entertaining evening, great company and the food was delicious too. As for the wine..... hic*
Svilena on the right and I'm on the left - sporting an "impressive" Finnish Tan!Unfortunately I was on the phone for the majority of it, cancelling redirections, setting up landlines, broadband, water, gas, elec.... the list goes on and on. I had totally forgotten how much was involved in the UK. Belgium and Finland were so easy to set up and pack up in comparison.
But alas, all was not lost. Called a good friend of mine, Svilena, to say "Hi" and as it turned out both of us were free, so we met at Bar Estilo in Richmond for dinner. What an entertaining evening, great company and the food was delicious too. As for the wine..... hic*
Waited 45min for the bus on the way home though. What is it with busses? They travel in packs... you don't see one for hours then they all come at once!
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