Sunday, June 28, 2009

6 Players, 6 Teams, 6 Overs...

Woke up to an AMAZING day today...

Firstly - Today is 1 month since I quit smoking, it's been really tough and I'm thrilled to have come this far!!!

Secondly - Today was an incredible...

Yip... there's the proof - 24 degrees!!!

A perfect day to...

watch company cricket!

6 people per team, 6 teams and 6 overs per side - GREAT DAY!
(If you love cricket!)

"Kawalis" Team was up first - Marc began the bowling against the "Unnamed Assassins"

Took a wicket straight off the bat - that was just so impressive... or at least until Marc tripped over his own foot - landing on his ass! Very amusing, unfortunately not caught on film!

Time to bat...

Or at least try...

Marc was in fine form today...

Scoring loads of 4's and 6's

Marc in action...

Getting a bit cocky as he takes a bow after his 50th point...

Then Murphy's Law

Out, caught out, run out, time out!!!

Still an excellent score - and after several games they actually made it into the finals!

Me becoming a little bored and the sponsored photographer of the day

Kawalis' showing support to their fellow team mates

Of course, Marc showing them how it's done! ;-)

Time for fielding

No that's not how it's done!

After beating the "Drunk Agains" in the finals... and pats on the back...

It was time to name Man of the Match.

Not sure what was more unbelievable... that Marc won or that the prize was an energy drink!

A few quote's of the day all in "Ind-lish":

"Kawali's" - a one man team! (in reference to Marc)

Powelly Pressure

Opportunity of a life time

Every good hit was a "Beauty"

"Drunk Again's", drunk again!

Heading back into Helsinki, in front of the major shopping complex they had this HUGE hockey "arena" up and were playing league hockey!

A lovely ending to a terrific day... now I'm ready for a shower and tending to the sunburn I never thought possible in Finland!

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