Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Pat and Smack!

"I have slept a thousand nights under bright stars and sunny days... I have lived a wonderful life!"

I heard this saying the other day and smiled realising just how true it is!

Yesterday was the first day I attempted to navigate the Helsinki Metro... must admit I was rather proud of myself for doing so. Usually it's no big deal whether you're in Spain, France, Belgium, England etc you can get by with the language - but Finnish!!! You can't pronounce the words let alone figure out what they mean (Google translate aka GT, is my new best friend - although it takes forever typing the words in), however when you're not at home you don't have the luxury of GT! So a good pat on the back...

this was followed by a smack on the wrist! I'll confess, since we moved into our new place (almost 2 weeks ago now) I haven't been to gym at all! Have some serious catching up to do...

Especially as we're heading back to London in 3 weeks time - need to lose that winter insulation!

I also met Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday... or at least his twin! This pharmacist looked and spoke just like "Arnie". Naturally as I was leaving, just couldn't resist, had to turn around and say............. "I'll be back!"

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